
Discover Fiesta Rewards for meetings and events

Fiesta Rewards for meetings and events is our loyalty program that rewards companies for choosing Live Aqua, Grand Fiesta Americana, Curamoria Collection, Fiesta Americana, The Explorean, Fiesta Inn, Gamma, or one hotels for their events or group stays.

Earn 1 point per dollar (before taxes and services) on group eligible charges at participating hotels when billed to a single account. Eligible hotel charges include lodging and food and beverage. Group benefits require a 10-room minimum per night.

Enjoy the best rate available on individual stays and earn the same amount of points as a Fiesta Rewards member.

Points are valid for 2 years after being earned and can be redeemed for hotel nights or merchandise from our online store.

Download your membership kit here your kit to be part of Fiesta Rewards Grupal. Once you have filled it out and signed you will be able to upload them here. Afterwards, an advisor from the Fiesta Rewards Contact Center will call you

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